Movimientos sociales, Género y Gobernanza
«El comedor los pibes, una fábrica de Trabajo y de Sueños»

Edited by Isabel Rauber, Alvaro San Sebastián and Norberto Inda, 2007

Buenos Aires, NCCR North-South

The research presented aims to support the practical and concrete process developed by participants in the « Comedor Los Pibes », primarily because it was developed together with them . Because of this common work, its conclusions do not claim to comprise a list of recommendations to be followed by the participants. Following the observations, analyses and reflexions on this research, pratical-conceptual knots are identified, in order to help tackle and deepen critical reflexion about themes. A critical vision of the practicies of actors is presented, as well as a vision of howto lead research and be involved in the field of research. This is about defining a practice, and not only about a theoretical exercise. The authors identify ways that can lead to changes in social relationships involving gender and relationships involving power, which are also linked to the difficult questions of survival and the capacity to work in a decent manner. It is a common task to propose keys for understanding public policies that can match this goal.

Rauber I, San Sebastián A, Inda N. 2007. Movimientos sociales, Género y Gobernanza. «El comedor los pibes, una fábrica de Trabajo y de Sueños». Buenos Aires: NCCR North-South.
